Wave's Art Journal

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Color test

Today in Art class Mr Pat gave everyone a test sheet. The test was quite easy but the last question was alittle bit hard because i did not understand a word. Next Mr Pat gave some colors for us to make, some are hard some are easy.My one wasn't so hard but P Som's color was very hard. The test was fun and I like it. I am very proud of my scores for the test because I got 10/10. The reason i got this grade because i got all the colors and i try alot before i got the colors.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Greeting Cards

Today in art Mr. Pat gave us a work. The work is to make a greeting card that can be celebrate in any celebrations. This work is a contest for the whole school everyone have to make one accept the people that were not in schoolthat day. For my idea i thought t have the piocture of the 4 seasons and a peace bird inthe middle.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Today we make the island in art. I did paper mache to cover it. We finish the hard cover of the island the last thing we need to do is paint it. I think what we did today was good because we did every thing fast and we finish alot for the island.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Color Wheel Project

tertiary colors

secondary colors

primary colors

In art class Mr Pat (Art teacher) gave us an assiment, it was about the Color Wheels. We had to answer the questions and we have to get some examples of the information we got. For this project i got an idea to make a book of information. I found out many things and here are the examples i found :

I found that all color wheel are the same because the color wheels always have these three color wich are Red, blue and Green.